Minowa Sensei began studying Ryukyu Kobudo under Taira Shinken Sensei, at the age of 29. From Taira Sensei, he became proficient in the use of the bo, sai, tonfa, nunchaku, eku, rochin and tinbe, tikko, niccho-gama and suruchin. By 1970 he had received his teaching license in Kobudo, and established his own dojo in Matsukawa-cho, in Naha.
In 1977 Minowa Sensei turned over his Matsukawa dojo to his most senior student, Kinjo Masakazu Sensei, and returned to his place of birth, Amami Oshima. Minowa Katsuhiko passed away in 2003. He served on the executive of the Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai while a student of Taira Sensei, and he attained the rank of 8th dan in Ryu Kyu Kobudo.